Short tale about Ruha’s Egg : favola di Ruha con testo a fronte in italiano
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…Each of us is born in a context that is ours. It is ours, and of nobody else. It may appear, one’s own life, one’s own existence, similar to that of someone else, but is instead ours, even in the apparent smallness and apparent anonymity, unique and unrepeatable…
…Sometimes I am so dull that I think my brain has fled elsewhere, without even a goodbye
other times I’m intelligent, I see everything clearly, and everything appears so simple
but not always…
<< The Critics Award for the Theatre section is assigned to the "Short tale about Ruha’s Egg" A. A. (Chieti, Italy). This theatrical play is beautiful and meaningful and A. A. is the author of both the text and words, and of scenografy by Baltasar (A. A.). Particularly prominent figure, definitely aiming at rethinking and evolving everything that is considered vital essence in conceptual relationships between culture and communication. For this reason, his work explores the idea in parallel terms of analysis and perception. His plays are highly original. The author is able to emphasize the component immanent / transcendent human being >>
…Ruha, having observed the egg for a while, from all directions and circling all around it…