Short explications of Symbology( from Dictionary of Symbols-Jean chevalier, edited by Rizzoli, and personal interpretations)
1 –Snow:the indistinct
2- LABIRINTH: here happens the struggle between the two natures of the human being: transformation of the Ego
3-swing: “ship bringing to heaven” according to the Brahmans; the rhythm of the swing represent that of the Time
4-Bird: represent the spiritual levels,the upper levels of the Being,symbol of the relationship between Earth and Heaven
5-Bow/arrow/string Bow=between many meanings, its also an instrument of expulsion of evil; string=symbol of ascension; arrow= directed upwards is bound to symbols of verticality, liberation from material conditions
6-lightning:is explosive energy, creation of something coming from nowhere
7-watch without hands: it means ..Time is uncatchable
8-Rainbow:this symbol is a bridge between Heaven and Earth
9-Ship/ sea: Ship=symbol of Travel sea= symbol of dynamic of life…all comes from the sea, and all will come back there
10-fish: symbol of birth and cyclic renovation
11-jinn: this term, often translated as genius, goblin or elf, is in the preislamic and in muslim religion an overnatural entity , medium between spiritual world and humanity, mostly malignant,but sometimes protective and good. In the Arabic world a person crazy, fool, is said “ kidnapped by jinn”
12 sphere: same symbolism of the circle, representing Heaven, heavenly environment
13-4 elements: here means quaternary order of the Nature, the steps of the human life
14 Bicycle: its equilibrium is due to the forward movement,exactly like in the interior and exterior evolution of life. This movement is given by our individual effort
15-dance/music/ sufi: Dance brings to lighting, and could have also spiritual application,..the Derwiscian cyclic road brings them to the Central Unit , and elevate them toward God
16-Ear:symbol of growth, expansion of all the possibilities of the Being
17 – Beer:connected to the symbol of the alchemical fermentation ( curiosity: in Arabic the term “ birr” means do good, charity
18-Mountain /climb: mountain participates to the symbolism of transcendence
19-cube: the material world
20-shadow:its symbolism is bound to all sources of fertility, material rain,prophetic revelations ,theophanies
21- Flight: expresses will of sublimation , search of interior Harmony,overcoming of conflicts
22-Desert: the initial lack of differentiation, superficial and sterile extension, under which Reality is to be searched
23-bread: symbol of essential food
24-sugar: here associated to the symbol of honey: wisdom, spiritual nourishment, protection and pacification
25-arch/ door: place of transition between two states, two worlds,between known and unknown
26 Nemesis: goddess of vengeance, divine justice

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